Sunday, December 23, 2007
my milk(shake) brings all the boys to the yard
haha! I just found this t-shirt that I was so BAD!!!!

Dreamy Dreams
I woke up this morning at 830 hung-over, parched, and with a sneeking suspission that the front door was open (albiet, not unwarrented. Our door is very tricky and unless it's locked, or closed properly, it randomly opens when the air pressure in the complex is inturrupted.) So I got up to get some water and check the door (it was closed) and went back to sleep. Though, for some reason, I still had anxiety about the door being open, I fell asleep quickly. I went on to dream about:
random people coming into our apartment because our door was always open, and I had become friends with these people. Well, one night (in my dream) I was cleaning (which I have to do in actuality) and Patrick Swayze walked in.
PATRICK SWAYZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so for some reason we were dancing. haha! (he's such a good dancer, ya'll. seriously.)
ah. I can't believe Patrick Swayze was in my dream. MY dream! And he wanted to dance with me!!!
At one point, we went to the grocery store (probably becase I pretty much live there. And we didn't goto mine-we went to the "other" one.) And there were a lot of people there and it was crowded, but he was so polite-helping old ladies with their bags and not cutting in line!
Oh. This just cements that we were meant to be.
That was like the end of my dream I think. Just dancing and going to the grocery store. I woke up right after that and I was all excited about it but I went back to sleep. But I remembered the dream. That's probably the best thing that happened to me all vacation!!! (That's not true, but needed to be said for dramatic effect).
So, Patrick Swayze if you ever read this: I'm here. And I'm waiting for you.
Now I must make the apartment look all spick and span!! (are those real words?)
random people coming into our apartment because our door was always open, and I had become friends with these people. Well, one night (in my dream) I was cleaning (which I have to do in actuality) and Patrick Swayze walked in.
so for some reason we were dancing. haha! (he's such a good dancer, ya'll. seriously.)
ah. I can't believe Patrick Swayze was in my dream. MY dream! And he wanted to dance with me!!!
At one point, we went to the grocery store (probably becase I pretty much live there. And we didn't goto mine-we went to the "other" one.) And there were a lot of people there and it was crowded, but he was so polite-helping old ladies with their bags and not cutting in line!
Oh. This just cements that we were meant to be.
That was like the end of my dream I think. Just dancing and going to the grocery store. I woke up right after that and I was all excited about it but I went back to sleep. But I remembered the dream. That's probably the best thing that happened to me all vacation!!! (That's not true, but needed to be said for dramatic effect).
So, Patrick Swayze if you ever read this: I'm here. And I'm waiting for you.
Now I must make the apartment look all spick and span!! (are those real words?)
what it's about:
things that make me happy
Thursday, December 20, 2007
In talking to my sister on the phone just now, our conversation went as follows:
her: omg-do you want to see the ring I want my dad* to get me for christmas?
me: yeah
her:(explaining where it is on the webiste)
me:(blah blah blah, it's beautiful, blah blah blah)
her: what did you ask my dad to get you for christmas?
me: a label maker
this is the difference between my sister and I: i'm practical.
*she says "my dad" in reference to "our dad"
her: omg-do you want to see the ring I want my dad* to get me for christmas?
me: yeah
her:(explaining where it is on the webiste)
me:(blah blah blah, it's beautiful, blah blah blah)
her: what did you ask my dad to get you for christmas?
me: a label maker
this is the difference between my sister and I: i'm practical.
*she says "my dad" in reference to "our dad"
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Five things
(1) Guess what i'm eating.
(2) At Dollar Tree earlier, one of the Christmas songs that came on was none other than our favorite brother-trio-band: Hanson.
(3) It has been so windy here all. day. long.
(4) I hear....thunder? Or something. I wonder where that noise is coming from.
(5) I'm obcdessed with that song right now-She moves her body like a psycho*.
*This is probably only funny to Slash and Emily.
(2) At Dollar Tree earlier, one of the Christmas songs that came on was none other than our favorite brother-trio-band: Hanson.
(3) It has been so windy here all. day. long.
(4) I hear....thunder? Or something. I wonder where that noise is coming from.
(5) I'm obcdessed with that song right now-She moves her body like a psycho*.
*This is probably only funny to Slash and Emily.
lastnight was criz-azy.
i don't have to work today.
what it's about:
things that make me happy
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Sex and the Socket
haha!! i just found this adorable video about CFL lightbulbs!!
Also of note: This website: www.green-e.org has direct information about how to get "Green" energy for your house! Once you click on the link, click "Buy Green-e Certified" then click "Renewable Energy For Your Home" and you can search by location to find all of the different companies where you can get energy from. And just like that, you can have that much less of the strain on the environment!
Also of note: This website: www.green-e.org has direct information about how to get "Green" energy for your house! Once you click on the link, click "Buy Green-e Certified" then click "Renewable Energy For Your Home" and you can search by location to find all of the different companies where you can get energy from. And just like that, you can have that much less of the strain on the environment!
what it's about:
things that make me happy,
update on alouette brie cheese
Since Wednesday I have successfully eaten 2.5 containers of alouette brie cheese-with crackers ofcourse.
This has become a serious addiction, as I wake up every morning craving the creamy texture and salty taste.
I also found a new cracker companion to this delicious spred: Wheat Thins Sundried Tomato & Basil Crackers.
This has become a serious addiction, as I wake up every morning craving the creamy texture and salty taste.
I also found a new cracker companion to this delicious spred: Wheat Thins Sundried Tomato & Basil Crackers.
Okay...so if you scroll down to the previous post, you'll see this exact same post as this one but the pictures and text are all jumbled around. Well, after about 7 grueling hours (divided between yesterday morning and this morning) I finally figured out how to make a table (that's what it's called in the world of html). Oh mygod. You would just not believe how long it takes to write up codes!! I wrote it in microsoft word and it took up FOUR pages!!! I tested it out on howstuffworks and it was pretty much through trial and error that I got everything layed out. It's still not the perfect way I wanted it (for example, in the last box, I wanted the text to be on the left and the images to be on the right but somehow, I just could not switch them!!), but it's my first table ever and I'm just so proud of myself!! (also, I have no idea why there is such a huge space between this text and the table...but I'm not sure how to change it, so we'll say it's a happy mistake...or something.)
Oh-and I also got 6 adorable coffee mugs (we have been using cereal bowls) with flowers on them. They don't all match, but that's the beauty of it! And man, coffee just is not as good without sugar and creamer. I must run out and buy some immediately!
I found these beauties just sitting on a shelf and could not believe my luck! I absolutely love belts and I wear them every chance I get! All together, there were eleven belts in the zip-lock bag! What caught my eye was this gem of a yellow belt. I swear I will wear it way more than I should! So, i put the bag o' belts in my basket and thought about it for the rest of my journey through the "store". Then I rationalized: $1.95 for eleven belts......or a life of regret about not buying them. I had to get them! My mind was made up. When I got home and opened the bag o' belts, I noticed that they were all brand-spanking-new. AND the Yellow, Purple, Blue, and Pink ones (all the same style) are stretchy!!!! WHAT LUCK!! So even if I end up only wearing the Yellow, Purple, Blue and Pink ones, it will still totally have been worth it! And I might even have to cut out the blue belt-just because I hate wearing blue with jeans. And I almost exclusively wear jeans-unless I find a great shirt that just cannot be worn without the blue belt. EVEN IF I only wore the Yellow one, it would totally be worth it! Man, I love this yellow belt. |
These little beauties were the first things I saw when I walked in. I always go straight to the shoes first, in hopes that there will be something to fit my "large" (size 9, but people with size 9 feet don't tend to get rid of cool shoes) feet. So as soon as I saw these, I knew we were meant to be. Deep Purple (they may look navy in the picture, but I can assure you they are not) is my all time favorite color. And with the little side bow! ADORABLE!! For me, there is no greater feeling of confidence than when my shoes match my outfit. I always try to convince myself that I don't have a shoe fetish, but I must admit now that I do. Am I okay with that? Not really, but it's not going to stop me! |
When I find shoes that I like and that fit me, I feel obligated to buy them. They deserve a loving home in which they will be shown off and I firmly believe that I am the person who can do that for them. So, naturally, I had to buy these shoes as well. These shoes to have leather on them. And let me take this opportunity to tell you a little something about leather: I am vegetarian, yes. I do not buy leather goods. But-I feel as though this is not contributing in any way to the encouragement of leather-goods. The money that i paid for these leather shoes is not going into the pockets of these shoe-manufacturers-it's going to...wherever Goodwill sends the money. There's more about that on their website. |
I found this magazine rack just sitting in a corner by itself! It's from Ikea (I just looked it up and it's $10 and they only have black and silver now.) It's made out of metal and it's so shiny! I think I might hang it in the bathroom-there are always papers and books and magazines all over the floor in there. I think this was like $1.95 or maybe $2.95-but still way cheaper than paying for shipping! And even if it doesn't get used, it looks like wall art! I have yet to hang it. |
I found this little storage cabinet for $2.95, I think. But it's priceless! It’s a vintage "bread box"/"storage unit" thingy. I think that once my dad makes the shelf to go over my desk, I'll set it on top of that and use it for files or something. I'm not going to use it as a breadbox, although, it would definitely fit in with the 70-esque green stove and dark cabinets in the kitchen. I just don't think I have the room for it in there. Plus-do I really want my bread/food stored in this object that I got second hand, when I don't know what it was previously used for or how old it is? That's what I thought. |
Oh-and I also got 6 adorable coffee mugs (we have been using cereal bowls) with flowers on them. They don't all match, but that's the beauty of it! And man, coffee just is not as good without sugar and creamer. I must run out and buy some immediately!
what it's about:
things that make me happy
Friday, December 14, 2007
As promised, yesterday I said that I would post pictures of the great stuff I got from Goodwill.
For your viewing pleasure:
First up-the belt goldmine:
I found these beauties just sitting on a shelf and could not believe my luck! I absolutely love belts and I wear them every chance I get! All together, there were eleven belts in the zip-lock bag! What caught my eye was this gem of a yellow belt. I swear I will wear it way more than I should! So, i put the bag o' belts in my basket and thought about it for the rest ofmy journey through the "store". Then I rationalized: $1.95 for elevent belts......or a life of regret about not buying them. I had to get them! My mind was made up. When I got home and opened the bag o' belts, I noticed that they were all brand-spaking-new. AND the Yellow, Purple, Blue, and Pink ones (all the same style) are stretchy!!!! WHAT LUCK!!

So even if I end up only wearing the Yellow, Purple, Blue and Pink ones, it will still totally have been worth it! And I might even have to cut out the blue belt-just because I hate wearing blue with jeans. And I almost exclusively wear jeans-unless I find a great shirt that just cannot be worn without the blue belt. EVEN IF I only wore the Yellow one, it would totally be worth it! Man, I love this yellow belt.
These little beauties were the first things I saw when I walked in. I always go straight to the shoes first, in hopes that there will be something to fit my "large" (size 9, but people with size 9 feet don't tend to get rid of cool shoes) feet. So as soon as I saw these, I knew we were meant to be. Deep Purple (they may look navy in the picture, but I can assure you they are not) is my all time favorite color. And with the little side bow! ADORABLE!! For me, there is no greater feeling of confidence than when my shoes match my outfit. I always try to convince myself that I don't have a shoe fettish, but I must admit now that I do. Am I okay with that? Not really, but it's not going to stop me!
OH! They're just too cute!
When I find shoes that I like and that fit me, I feel obligated to buy them. They deserve a loving home in which they will be shown off and I firmly believe that I am the person who can do that for them. So, naturally, I had to buy these shoes as well. These shoes to have leather on them. And let me take this opportunity to tell you a little something about leather:
I am vegetarian, yes. I do not buy leather goods. But-I feel as though this is not contributing in any way to the encouragement of leather-goods. The money that i payed for these leather shoes is not going into the pockets of these shoe-manufacturers-it's going to...wherever Goodwill sends the money. There's more about that on their website.

I found this magazine rack just sitting in a corner by itsself! It's from Ikea (I just looked it up and it's $10 and they only have black and silver now.) It's made out of metal and it's so shiny! I think I might hang it in the bathroom-there are always papers and books and magazines all over the floor in there. I think this was like $1.95 or maybe $2.95-but still way cheaper than paying for shipping! And even if it doesn't get used, it looks like wall art! I have yet to hang it.

I found this little storage cabinet for $2.95, I think. But it's priceless! Vintage "bread box"/"storage unit" thinggy. I think that once my dad makes the shelf to go over my desk, I'll set it on top of that and use it for files or something. I'm not going to use it as a breadbox. Although, it would definitely fit in with the 70-esque green stove and dark cabinets in the kitchen. I just don't think I have the room for it in there. Plus-do I really want my bread/food stored in this object that I got second hand, when I don't know what it was previously used for or how old it is? That's what I thought.
Oh-and I also got 6 adorable coffee mugs (we have been using cereal bowls) with flowers on them. They don't all match, but that's the beauty of it! and man, coffee just is not as good without sugar and creamer. I must run out and buy some immediately!
For your viewing pleasure:
First up-the belt goldmine:
So even if I end up only wearing the Yellow, Purple, Blue and Pink ones, it will still totally have been worth it! And I might even have to cut out the blue belt-just because I hate wearing blue with jeans. And I almost exclusively wear jeans-unless I find a great shirt that just cannot be worn without the blue belt. EVEN IF I only wore the Yellow one, it would totally be worth it! Man, I love this yellow belt.
I am vegetarian, yes. I do not buy leather goods. But-I feel as though this is not contributing in any way to the encouragement of leather-goods. The money that i payed for these leather shoes is not going into the pockets of these shoe-manufacturers-it's going to...wherever Goodwill sends the money. There's more about that on their website.
I found this little storage cabinet for $2.95, I think. But it's priceless! Vintage "bread box"/"storage unit" thinggy. I think that once my dad makes the shelf to go over my desk, I'll set it on top of that and use it for files or something. I'm not going to use it as a breadbox. Although, it would definitely fit in with the 70-esque green stove and dark cabinets in the kitchen. I just don't think I have the room for it in there. Plus-do I really want my bread/food stored in this object that I got second hand, when I don't know what it was previously used for or how old it is? That's what I thought.
Oh-and I also got 6 adorable coffee mugs (we have been using cereal bowls) with flowers on them. They don't all match, but that's the beauty of it! and man, coffee just is not as good without sugar and creamer. I must run out and buy some immediately!
what it's about:
things that make me happy
I found this really cool website (it's one of the websites listed in my new Global Warming book) where you can post things that you want to give away and people in your area will take it off of your hands for you!
This is an effort to eliminate all of the perfectly good things that are thrown away each year. And as the old saying goes, "One persons trash is another persons treasure."
So go there, sign up, and enjoy all of the free things!
This is an effort to eliminate all of the perfectly good things that are thrown away each year. And as the old saying goes, "One persons trash is another persons treasure."
So go there, sign up, and enjoy all of the free things!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
good things:
Oh-I also bought a book on global warming yesterday (with by book-buyback money from school!)
It’s this:

It’s really awesome-so easy to read (it’s really colorful and there are lots of pictures). Since I hate reading, those two things are really important to me. I feel like I should be more educated about global warming and I want to be able to tell people that it’s a bad thing and actually have some facts to back it up.
So I’ll post interesting things from the book later.
I’m also in the middle of reading a book called Salt: A World History, by Mark Kurlansky.
It’s this:

I will never look at salt the same way again. Here is an excerpt from it:
“…Not only did Rome want salt to be affordable for the people, but, more importantly as the Romans became ambitious empire builders, they needed it to be available for the army. The Roman army required salt for its soldiers and for its horses and livestock. At times soldiers were even paid in salt, which was the origin of the word salary and the expression “worth his salt” or “earning his salt”. In fact, the Latin word sal became the French word solde, meaning pay, which is the origin of the word, soldier…”
ISN’T THAT SO INTERESTING?! This book just amazes me! Salt is so interesting!
I also managed to eat an entire container of
alouette Brie cheese today (with Triscuit Thin Crisps). Not in one sitting, mind you, but it’s so g.d. delicious that I had to go back for more! Now I’m eating chips and salsa-my all time favorite snack.
OH MY GOSH-i struck a belt GOLDMINE today, ya'll.
I went to Goodwill by campus and oh. m. g! I've never spent so much at a salvation before but I've never gotten so much stuff before, either!! I'm still reeling from it!
I'll post pictures when i'm good and ready.
I FRICKING LOVE BELTS!! and now i have one of every color. almost.
It’s this:

It’s really awesome-so easy to read (it’s really colorful and there are lots of pictures). Since I hate reading, those two things are really important to me. I feel like I should be more educated about global warming and I want to be able to tell people that it’s a bad thing and actually have some facts to back it up.
So I’ll post interesting things from the book later.
I’m also in the middle of reading a book called Salt: A World History, by Mark Kurlansky.
It’s this:

I will never look at salt the same way again. Here is an excerpt from it:
“…Not only did Rome want salt to be affordable for the people, but, more importantly as the Romans became ambitious empire builders, they needed it to be available for the army. The Roman army required salt for its soldiers and for its horses and livestock. At times soldiers were even paid in salt, which was the origin of the word salary and the expression “worth his salt” or “earning his salt”. In fact, the Latin word sal became the French word solde, meaning pay, which is the origin of the word, soldier…”
ISN’T THAT SO INTERESTING?! This book just amazes me! Salt is so interesting!
I also managed to eat an entire container of

I went to Goodwill by campus and oh. m. g! I've never spent so much at a salvation before but I've never gotten so much stuff before, either!! I'm still reeling from it!
I'll post pictures when i'm good and ready.
I FRICKING LOVE BELTS!! and now i have one of every color. almost.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
christmas cheer!
On my (walking) journey to 7-11 yesterday, I was about150 ft. away from the lovely establishment when a familiar small rushed into my nostrils. ‘What is this smell?’ I thought to myself. ‘Where have I smelled this before? Ah, yes-it is the pungent aroma of 7-11’
How does the smell of 7-11 cut through the air like a drop of blood in water?
Anyway, I’m currently adorning the apartment with Christmas decorations (accompanied by the hanson Christmas album, of course). And thanks to global warming, it was 63 degrees outside today (indeed, all of the windows are still open) with no snow-not the typical decorating weather I had expected...
I’ll post pictures when I get them uploaded.
I had the day off today. Well, I've had days off since Sunday. But today I didn't have to do anything. I have my religion final tomorrow at 8am then I have to work at 230. But it was so nice not having to do anything today because i actually got stuff done!
-cleaned the kitchen (that includes washing all of the dishes, coffee pot, and stoveop)
-cleaned the toilet (a rare occurence)
-went to the grocery store
-mailed out christmas cards
-watched two episodes of season 1 of the OC with kevin
-spent quality time together
-decorated the living room, kitchen and bedroom
-took out the recycling
-did a load of laundry and hung it on the drying rack
that's a LOT!! that's more than I do when i actually have to do stuff!
omg, i just can't wait for this test to be over tomorrow so that i can work a bunch of hours and kroger and spend all the money in ohio at thrift stores!!!
How does the smell of 7-11 cut through the air like a drop of blood in water?
Anyway, I’m currently adorning the apartment with Christmas decorations (accompanied by the hanson Christmas album, of course). And thanks to global warming, it was 63 degrees outside today (indeed, all of the windows are still open) with no snow-not the typical decorating weather I had expected...
I’ll post pictures when I get them uploaded.
I had the day off today. Well, I've had days off since Sunday. But today I didn't have to do anything. I have my religion final tomorrow at 8am then I have to work at 230. But it was so nice not having to do anything today because i actually got stuff done!
-cleaned the kitchen (that includes washing all of the dishes, coffee pot, and stoveop)
-cleaned the toilet (a rare occurence)
-went to the grocery store
-mailed out christmas cards
-watched two episodes of season 1 of the OC with kevin
-spent quality time together
-decorated the living room, kitchen and bedroom
-took out the recycling
-did a load of laundry and hung it on the drying rack
that's a LOT!! that's more than I do when i actually have to do stuff!
omg, i just can't wait for this test to be over tomorrow so that i can work a bunch of hours and kroger and spend all the money in ohio at thrift stores!!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
hurty eyes
i've been sitting in front of this damn computer in the library since 1230. i have no aversion to sitting in front of computers for hours at a time, as i like to procrastinate, but i've been working the entire time! on my women's studies video. and i don't even think it turned out that well. it seems not to be too cohesive. i don't know. maybe i'm just biased because i know every nook and crany that went into making it. anyway, i'm off to 7-11 to buy smokes and then to my class to watch everyone else's crappy video!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
what i've been up to today
as all of you know, i am a huge procrastinator. as of 6 hours ago, i had 2 paintings half way done and one that i hadn't even started yet. at this point in time, I'm completely finished with the one that i hadn't started and I'm also completely finished with one of the ones that were half way done.
Painting #1
the one that I'm finished with that was half way done was a project in which we had to paint either:
(a) an interior
(b) an exterior
(c) a still-life
i chose (c).
i set up Kevin's guitars against the wall with a little cardboard cardinal (that i found in grams stuff) sitting in top of the acoustic guitar.
actual set up (as if you won't be able to tell the difference):

actual painting:

and i think it looks cool with the flash on because you can see all of the brush stokes and it's all shiny. and i like shiny things:
Project #2*
okay onto the other finished painting:
this project had to be of an interior and in perspective. and i don't like perspective. we also had to include 3 planes in the painting. so: a corner and either a ceiling or a floor.
i didn't start it until like 5 hours ago. and it only took me like 2 hours i think. (as you may notice, my little friend is also in this painting. i just think he's SO cute!! he's usually sitting on top of the cupboards in the kitchen but i didn't want him to be up there all alone all of the time. so he's been sitting in the living room for a few weeks-since I've had the "still-life" set up.
so for this painting, i had originally planned to include the DVD shelf unit in the painting, hence the first set of pictures. in the second set, you'll notice that the DVD shelf is not in the picture. I'm glad that i didn't put it in-i certainly did not feel like painting all of the straight, box, angular, rectangular DVD boxes and i think it would have taken away from the painting.
actual set up:
actual painting (i hadn't finished yet-that's why i had the option of taking the DVD shelf out of sight):
actual set up (without the DVD shelf):
actual finished painting (without the fricking** DVD shelf)
and with the flash:
Project #3
for this project, we were instructed to (1)find at least three landscape paintings by different artists and take different parts of the paintings, (2) paste them together to make one coherent painting (a collage, if you will), and (3) paint the "collage" in a different artists style. (did you get all that? go back and read it so you understand)
so i did that and i picked the painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch. so we were supposed to use our artists colors and painting techniques to paint our made up landscape painting.
and i'm so not done with that yet. i think i'll just be forced to wake up at like 8 am and finish it. i only expect it to take like a half hour-i just don't think i have it in me tonight. and i'll have to finish it tomorrow morning because it's fricking due tomorrow! but since i just said it'll only take like a half hour, are you thinking that i should just get it done tonight? but it's already 130! oh well-it'll have to wait. maybe i should ush it even further and finish it in class before the critique!
this is what i have done of that painting (and i haven't worked on it in a month. literally.)
maybe i will just finish it tonight. that way i won't have to get all of my painting stuff out again tomorrow. hm...
so what needs to be done:
(1)reflection of the sunset in the water (can you tell that that is water? kevin didn't know what it was....)
(2)more "realistic" looking tree (yeah right)
(3)define the sun from the sky (how the hell am i supposed to do that?!)
oh-i also cleaned out the car tonight. i was certainly a busy bee***!
*i did not mean for this painting to be all purple-y. but i really love the way it turned out. it all works well together. my wall is certainly not purple-it's just the dark undertone i used for the shadow in the dark corner.
**spell check did not like this word. it suggested, instead:
***this is one of the pictures that came up when i searched "busy bee" in Google.
more christmas joy.
1) oh, Taylor (on the keyboards) do it to me right!!
2) Zac (on the drums) are you a young Michael Jackson?
3) This is probably the best "christmas special" i've ever seen.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
lookin' good!
my new layout is christmas-y! and even though i don't like snow or cold weather, i'm excited for the holiday season! i'm going to decorate soon and i'll post pictures of that, so be on the lookout.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
two nice things:
so, earlier i posted the pictures of the snow outside. well, i went out to get the clothes out of the dryer (an hour later) and the snow was gone. observe:

also, i had a nice little surprise waiting for me when i got home from work:

i left my winter coat in buffalo when we moved there for the summer. i only needed it for like 3 days then it was nice out. needless to say, i forgot it when we moved back to va and i've been donning layers upon layers of clothes under my spring jackets! kevin picked it out for me-he's such a good little shopper!

also, i had a nice little surprise waiting for me when i got home from work:

i left my winter coat in buffalo when we moved there for the summer. i only needed it for like 3 days then it was nice out. needless to say, i forgot it when we moved back to va and i've been donning layers upon layers of clothes under my spring jackets! kevin picked it out for me-he's such a good little shopper!
since i last posted:
oh my gosh blog world. i'm so sorry that i haven't posted in like a month!! i've been so busy with trying to get things done for the end of the semester that i just did not have the time to blog! i mean-i would think of stuff all day long to put on here but i never had the time to do it.
well, i'm here now.
first off, i dyed my hair.
second, it's really cold outside!!
third, thanksgiving was really delicious. let's start off with that:

this is the tofurkey. it has the consistency of not-dogs. and it was filled with some sort of stuffing that had black rice in it....curious.... but it was sooooooo de-lish!!

mmmmmmmm!!! candied yams!!! my fave!!!

and for desert? apple dumplings!! it was a hit with the boys. ofcourse, kevin tried to swindle his way out of eating the apple-he only likes the crust with sauce on it.

the table all set up.

curis' pint of gravy!! he ordered it from cracker barrel and they gave him like a freeking gallon of it! needless to say, it was flushed down the toilet.
okay onto the hair:
i needed to do something with my hair. the ends looked dead but i didn't really want to get a haircsut so i turned to my trust hairdye. it's pretty much the same color it was before, just refreshed. and since i dyed it i've been blow drying it after i wash it (mostly because i don't want to go outside with wet hair) and it's super shiny and healthy-looking! i've never had super shiny and healthy-looking hair before!! this makes me so happy! so i've been having the best hair days of my life for the past week!!!!

the first day i tyed it. fabulous!!!!!

getting ready to take helga* for a walk.

second day. my hair looked hot

third day. i figured that with my fabulous "new" hair i needed a shorn upper-lip. (thanks, nair!!) you know you want this.

lastnight. hot.
lastly, i'm doing laundry and it was quite a surprise when i walked out into the hallway and looked out the window. this is what i saw:

well, i'm here now.
first off, i dyed my hair.
second, it's really cold outside!!
third, thanksgiving was really delicious. let's start off with that:
okay onto the hair:
i needed to do something with my hair. the ends looked dead but i didn't really want to get a haircsut so i turned to my trust hairdye. it's pretty much the same color it was before, just refreshed. and since i dyed it i've been blow drying it after i wash it (mostly because i don't want to go outside with wet hair) and it's super shiny and healthy-looking! i've never had super shiny and healthy-looking hair before!! this makes me so happy! so i've been having the best hair days of my life for the past week!!!!

lastly, i'm doing laundry and it was quite a surprise when i walked out into the hallway and looked out the window. this is what i saw:
what it's about:
yucky snow
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