As promised, yesterday I said that I would post pictures of the great stuff I got from Goodwill.
For your viewing pleasure:
First up-the belt goldmine:

I found these beauties just sitting on a shelf and could not believe my luck! I absolutely love belts and I wear them every chance I get! All together, there were
eleven belts in the zip-lock bag! What caught my eye was this gem of a yellow belt. I swear I will wear it
way more than I should! So, i put the bag o' belts in my basket and thought about it for the rest ofmy journey through the "store". Then I rationalized: $1.95 for elevent belts......or a life of regret about not buying them. I
had to get them! My mind was made up. When I got home and opened the bag o' belts, I noticed that they were all
brand-spaking-new. AND the Yellow, Purple, Blue, and Pink ones (all the same style) are stretchy!!!! WHAT LUCK!!

So even if I end up only wearing the Yellow, Purple, Blue and Pink ones, it will still
totally have been worth it! And I might even have to cut out the blue belt-just because I hate wearing blue with jeans. And I almost exclusively wear jeans-unless I find a great shirt that just cannot be worn without the blue belt. EVEN IF I only wore the Yellow one, it would totally be worth it! Man, I love this yellow belt.

These little beauties were the first things I saw when I walked in. I always go straight to the shoes first, in hopes that there will be
something to fit my "large" (size 9, but people with size 9 feet don't tend to get rid of cool shoes) feet. So as soon as I saw these, I knew we were meant to be. Deep Purple (they may look navy in the picture, but I can assure you they are not) is my all time favorite color. And with the little side bow!
ADORABLE!! For me, there is no greater feeling of confidence than when my shoes match my outfit. I always try to convince myself that I don't have a shoe fettish, but I must admit now that I do. Am I okay with that? Not really, but it's not going to stop me!

OH! They're just
too cute!


When I find shoes that I like
and that fit me, I feel obligated to buy them. They deserve a loving home in which they will be shown off and I firmly believe that I am the person who can do that for them. So, naturally, I had to buy these shoes as well. These shoes to have leather on them. And let me take this opportunity to tell you a little something about leather:
I am vegetarian, yes. I do not buy leather goods. But-I feel as though this is not contributing in any way to the encouragement of leather-goods. The money that i payed for these leather shoes is not going into the pockets of these shoe-manufacturers-it's going to...wherever Goodwill sends the money. There's more about that on their


I found this magazine rack just sitting in a corner by itsself! It's from Ikea (I just looked it up and it's $10 and they only have black and silver now.) It's made out of metal and it's so shiny! I think I might hang it in the bathroom-there are always papers and books and magazines all over the floor in there. I think this was like $1.95 or maybe $2.95-but still way cheaper than paying for shipping! And even if it doesn't get used, it looks like wall art! I have yet to hang it.

I found this little storage cabinet for $2.95, I think. But it's priceless! Vintage "bread box"/"storage unit" thinggy. I think that once my dad makes the shelf to go over my desk, I'll set it on top of that and use it for files or something. I'm not going to use it as a breadbox. Although, it would definitely fit in with the 70-esque green stove and dark cabinets in the kitchen. I just don't think I have the room for it in there. Plus-do I really want my bread/food stored in this object that I got second hand, when I don't know what it was previously used for or how old it is? That's what I thought.
Oh-and I also got 6
adorable coffee mugs (we have been using cereal bowls) with flowers on them. They don't all match, but that's the beauty of it! and man, coffee just is not as good without sugar and creamer. I must run out and buy some immediately!
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