It’s this:

It’s really awesome-so easy to read (it’s really colorful and there are lots of pictures). Since I hate reading, those two things are really important to me. I feel like I should be more educated about global warming and I want to be able to tell people that it’s a bad thing and actually have some facts to back it up.
So I’ll post interesting things from the book later.
I’m also in the middle of reading a book called Salt: A World History, by Mark Kurlansky.
It’s this:

I will never look at salt the same way again. Here is an excerpt from it:
“…Not only did Rome want salt to be affordable for the people, but, more importantly as the Romans became ambitious empire builders, they needed it to be available for the army. The Roman army required salt for its soldiers and for its horses and livestock. At times soldiers were even paid in salt, which was the origin of the word salary and the expression “worth his salt” or “earning his salt”. In fact, the Latin word sal became the French word solde, meaning pay, which is the origin of the word, soldier…”
ISN’T THAT SO INTERESTING?! This book just amazes me! Salt is so interesting!
I also managed to eat an entire container of

I went to Goodwill by campus and oh. m. g! I've never spent so much at a salvation before but I've never gotten so much stuff before, either!! I'm still reeling from it!
I'll post pictures when i'm good and ready.
I FRICKING LOVE BELTS!! and now i have one of every color. almost.
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