as all of you know, i am a huge procrastinator. as of 6 hours ago, i had 2 paintings half way done and one that i hadn't even started yet. at this point in time, I'm completely finished with the one that i hadn't started and I'm also completely finished with one of the ones that were half way done.
Painting #1
the one that I'm finished with that was half way done was a project in which we had to paint either:
(a) an interior
(b) an exterior
(c) a still-life
i chose (c).
i set up Kevin's guitars against the wall with a little cardboard cardinal (that i found in grams stuff) sitting in top of the acoustic guitar.
actual set up (as if you won't be able to tell the difference):

actual painting:

and i think it looks cool with the flash on because you can see all of the brush stokes and it's all shiny. and i like shiny things:
Project #2*
okay onto the other finished painting:
this project had to be of an interior and in perspective. and i don't like perspective. we also had to include 3 planes in the painting. so: a corner and either a ceiling or a floor.
i didn't start it until like 5 hours ago. and it only took me like 2 hours i think. (as you may notice, my little friend is also in this painting. i just think he's SO cute!! he's usually sitting on top of the cupboards in the kitchen but i didn't want him to be up there all alone all of the time. so he's been sitting in the living room for a few weeks-since I've had the "still-life" set up.
so for this painting, i had originally planned to include the DVD shelf unit in the painting, hence the first set of pictures. in the second set, you'll notice that the DVD shelf is not in the picture. I'm glad that i didn't put it in-i certainly did not feel like painting all of the straight, box, angular, rectangular DVD boxes and i think it would have taken away from the painting.
actual set up:
actual painting (i hadn't finished yet-that's why i had the option of taking the DVD shelf out of sight):
actual set up (without the DVD shelf):
actual finished painting (without the fricking** DVD shelf)
and with the flash:
Project #3
for this project, we were instructed to (1)find at least three landscape paintings by different artists and take different parts of the paintings, (2) paste them together to make one coherent painting (a collage, if you will), and (3) paint the "collage" in a different artists style. (did you get all that? go back and read it so you understand)
so i did that and i picked the painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch. so we were supposed to use our artists colors and painting techniques to paint our made up landscape painting.
and i'm so not done with that yet. i think i'll just be forced to wake up at like 8 am and finish it. i only expect it to take like a half hour-i just don't think i have it in me tonight. and i'll have to finish it tomorrow morning because it's fricking due tomorrow! but since i just said it'll only take like a half hour, are you thinking that i should just get it done tonight? but it's already 130! oh well-it'll have to wait. maybe i should ush it even further and finish it in class before the critique!
this is what i have done of that painting (and i haven't worked on it in a month. literally.)
maybe i will just finish it tonight. that way i won't have to get all of my painting stuff out again tomorrow. hm...
so what needs to be done:
(1)reflection of the sunset in the water (can you tell that that is water? kevin didn't know what it was....)
(2)more "realistic" looking tree (yeah right)
(3)define the sun from the sky (how the hell am i supposed to do that?!)
oh-i also cleaned out the car tonight. i was certainly a busy bee***!
*i did not mean for this painting to be all purple-y. but i really love the way it turned out. it all works well together. my wall is certainly not purple-it's just the dark undertone i used for the shadow in the dark corner.
**spell check did not like this word. it suggested, instead:
***this is one of the pictures that came up when i searched "busy bee" in Google.
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