Sunday, November 25, 2007

procrastination has gotten the best of me

i know that i haven't posted anything lately. (it's not like there are people reading this anyway)

there are two weeks left of school. i wasted this whole week that i had off. i had such high hopes for this week: i even made a whole chart of things i wanted to get done every singe day-complete with time slots and spots for showers and eating!!!! oh, i hate it when i don't stick to my lists!

i should have gotten these things done:
-bought a new canvas for final painting for class
-worked on another painting for class
-drawn out on other canvas the outline for other project for painting class
-gotten religion paper written (it's not due until thursday, but i really wanted to get, at the very least, most of it written this week
-work on (or possibly finish) movie for final project for women's studies class (which i have not even started working on)

the only thing i really got done this week was cleaning the kitchen and rearanging the livingroom.

i'm not very happy with myself right now.

1 comment:

PJS said...

yey.... 3 cheers for procrastination!

Nice to meet you :)