i got to school about an hour early and i figured, "i don't just want to sit around in the library today, i'll goto the new Goodwill, which i have not been to yet"
so, i go in and i'm looking around. i don't really know what i'm looking for, and even though the store sucks it's probably the best damn salvation army that i've been to in va. so i find where the linnens are and i find 3 pairs of bed sheets that i absolutely cannot live without.
so the sheets were $2 a piece and i only had $6. the total came to $13 and some change (i picked up two other things that were less than fitty cent). so i say to the cashier:
"alright, here's the situation-i only have $6-is there any possible way that i can get the sheets for $1 a piece???"
cashier-"no, mam, we can't change the prices"
me-"oh. [i am very sad to have to pick which sheet(s) i want less!!!]"
so, an older woman who was paying at a different register seemed to know what was going on with my situation and said:
"how much do you need?"
[now, ladies and gentlemen, i know that i live in america and people just don't give a shit about eachother. i know this. i forget to breathe for a few seconds because i am so taken-aback by this comment]
i say, "are you serious?! no! i absolutely cannot take your money!"
the older woman responds "no, seriously-how much do you need."
me-"um...like $7."
older woman-"here-take it."
i kept trying to say that it was fine, that i couldn't accept her money, blah blah blah. and she kept insisting!!!
she actually said at one point, "it's an early christmas present." (HAH!)
i wanted to cry! people don't do that!! complete strangers don't just hang around places waiting for another complete stranger to come up a few dollars short of their total and offer to pay for it! not in america!! american's are too selfish, too busy and too poor to be handing out money like that! seven dollars is a lot. i mean, let's be honest, people-anything more than $5 is a lot! it's not like i only needed fitty cent!!
so we ended up walking out of the store at the same time and i kept saying "i really appreciate this! i really, really do! thank you!!" over and over again. and i gave her a hug and she was so sweet. then she said,
"are you going to make something?"
[HOW DID SHE KNOW?!?!?!!??]
me-"why, yes! yes i am!"
her-"i know what it's like to be a poor student-when my husband was going to school, i used to stay home all day and just make stuff" [it doesn't sound as cute here, but seriously this woman was a-dor-able!!!]
i wish i got her address to send her a christmas card or something. maybe she knits-we could have gotten together!! damnit!
i was elated! on cloud nine! i smiled all day yesterday just thining about that. and the crazy thing about it is that i think she knows how happy it made me. i hope that if i ever see her again i'll recognize her and buy her something.
so that was the story of the first miracle that happened to me yesterday.
when i got to work, i was supposed to be on U-SCAN but they said i had to goto a 2 hour meeting at a different store to listen to this guy talk about what we're supposed to say to customers to make it seem like we care.
it's called: fake
this is what i learned:
Eye contact
(don't tell anyone-i think that's Kroger's secret!!!)
so miracle number two that happened yesterday is that i didn't have to work that confangled u-scan for two hours!!! but i still got payed!!
which leads me straight into the third miracle that happened yesterday:
i've never worked someplace long enough to get a raise before!!! this is fabulous!!! i am now officially making $1.15 more than i was before!! thats HUUUUUUUUUGE!!!!!!
ah! i don't know how the rest of my days could possibly compare to yesterday. i'll never have a good day again!!!! ah!
so let's wrap this up:
1st miracle: complete stranger pays for utter junk.
2nd miracle: got payed for doing even more nothing than i usually do.
3rd miracle: getting payed more money for doing nothing.
alright, time to get ready for the crappy day i'm about to have.
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