Monday, October 22, 2007

a funny:

i found this woman's blog by searching in google images for "knitting machine" (please don't judge!) and after tons of pages, this womans blog caught my eye.

anyway, i was reading if for a little bit (she blogs about her knitting machine!!! that's soooooooo cool!), i saw that she posted this and i think it's really funny:

"I got a spoof email today, supposedly from an ebay member. It's obviously someone trying to get me to follow a link and enter my details. I get them all the time and I just foreward them to ebay. I only answer ebay messages through 'My Messages' in 'My Ebay'. Anyway, here is the message I got:

'Now that you have the money send me the laptop. When you will send it because I sent you the money a week ago.I don't like this silence. What to think from you action ??? that you scam me ?? u better not because I know your address also I am a police man I forgot to tell you. SO SEND ME THE LAPTOP OR I WILL BUST YOU PERSONALY FOR THIS ! OR SEND ME THE MONEY BACK. LAST WARNING , NEXT YOU WILL SEE ME AT UR DOOR .'

I nearly wet myself laughing at that one - it's the best one yet. Do people really fall for these? Surely not."

haha! that's so funny!

1 comment:

Susan said...

It still cracks me up. He never did turn up at my door - maybe he forgot where I live!
Thanks for dropping by my blog, I hope you enjoyed it.
